
Scala-Forklift helps manage and apply database migrations for your Scala project.

View the Project on GitHub lastland/scala-forklift


Scala-Forklift helps manage and apply database migrations for your Scala project.

Write your migrations in plain SQL:

MyMigrations.migrations = MyMigrations.migrations :+ SqlMigration(1)(List(
  sqlu"""create table "users" ("id" INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,"first" VARCHAR NOT NULL,"last" VARCHAR NOT NULL)"""

Or type-safe Slick queries:

MyMigrations.migrations = MyMigrations.migrations :+ DBIOMigration(2)(
  DBIO.seq(Users ++= Seq(
    UsersRow(1, "Chris","Vogt"),
    UsersRow(2, "Yao","Li")

Don't worry about the Scala code for your database schema. Our source code generator will have it generated for you automatically.

Key Features:

How to Use

Add the following dependency to your build.sbt:

libraryDependencies += "com.liyaos" %% "scala-forklift-slick" % "0.2.0-BETA"

check example for tutorial and example code.

Quick Start

Alternatively, you can use our start template on GitHub to quickly start a project with Scala-Forklift:

git clone

Known Issues